Math Practice Online > free > lessons > Ohio > 8th grade > Translations and Reflections
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Translations and Reflections
This topic deals with underestanding translations and reflections.
This topic aligns to the following state standards
Grade 6: * Predict and describe sizes, positions and orientations of two-dimensional shapes after transformations such as reflections, rotations, translations and dilations.
Grade 8: * Draw the results of translations, reflections, rotations and dilations of objects in the coordinate plane, and determine properties that remain fixed; e.g., lengths of sides remain the same under translations.
Grade 10: * Derive coordinate rules for translations, reflections and rotations of geometric figures in the coordinate plane.
Grade 10: * Show and describe the results of combinations of translations, reflections and rotations (compositions); e.g., perform compositions and specify the result of a composition as the outcome of a single motion, when applicable.
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