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Bar Graphs
Interpret data presented in graphs.
This topic aligns to the following state standards
Grade 1: * Answer questions about the number of objects represented in a picture graph, bar graph or table graph; e.g., category with most, how many more in a category compared to another, how many altogether in two categories.
Grade 1: * Read and interpret charts, picture graphs and bar graphs as sources of information to identify main ideas, draw conclusions, and make predictions.
Grade 2: * Read, interpret and make comparisons and predictions from data represented in charts, line plots, picture graphs and bar graphs.
Grade 4: * Propose and explain interpretations and predictions based on data displayed in tables, charts and graphs.
Grade 3: * Translate information freely among charts, tables, line plots, picture graphs and bar graphs; e.g., create a bar graph from the information in a chart.
Grade 3: * Draw and interpret picture graphs in which a symbol or picture represents more than one object.
Grade 3: * Read, interpret and construct bar graphs with intervals greater than one.
Grade 5: * Read, construct and interpret frequency tables, circle graphs and line graphs.
Grade 6: * Read, construct and interpret line graphs, circle graphs and histograms.
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