Math Practice Online > free > lessons > Minnesota > 5th grade > Arithmetic Word Problems
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Arithmetic Word Problems
This topic covers the skill of solving simple word problems
This topic aligns to the following state standards
Grade 4: 5. Express a written problem in suitable mathematical language, solve the problem and interpret the result in the original context.
Grade 4: 5. Use multiplication and division of whole numbers to solve simple real-world and mathematical problems.
Grade 5: 5. Express a written problem in suitable mathematical language, solve the problem and interpret the result in the original context.
Grade 5: 1. Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of multi-digit whole numbers to solve multi-step, real-world and mathematical problems.
Grade 6: 3. Translate a problem described verbally or by tables, diagrams or graphs, into suitable mathematical language, solve the problem mathematically and interpret the result in the original context.
Grade 6: 3. Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of multi-digit whole and decimal numbers to solve multi-step real-world and mathematical problems.
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