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Mean, Median, Mode
Calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of values.
This topic aligns to the following state standards
Grade 2: Alg 1. Uses concrete objects, paper and pencil, or mental mathematics to solve real-world equations with one unknown (such as, There are 28 students in the room, and 16 brought their lunches. How many are buying lunch?).
Grade 3: Dat 2. Identifies the median and mode from a set of numerical data.
Grade 3: Dat 3. Identifies the range in a set of numerical data.
Grade 4: Dat 1. Identifies the mean, median and mode from a set of data.
Grade 5: Dat 2. Uses range and measures of central tendency in real-world situations.
Grade 6: Dat 2. Finds the range, mean, median, and mode of a set of data.
Grade 7: Dat 1. Finds the range, mean, median, and mode of data from a table, chart, or graph.
Grade 8: Dat 1. Finds the mean, median, and mode of a set of data using raw data, tables, charts, or graphs.
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