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Compare Mixed Values
Compare fractions with decimals. Determine if one is less than, greater than, or equal to the other.
This topic aligns to the following state standards
Grade 4: Num 1. Uses language and symbols (>, <, =) to compare numbers in the same form and in two different forms such as _ < 1.
Grade 4: Num 3. Compares and orders commonly used fractions and decimals to hundredths using concrete materials, drawings, and numerals.
Grade 5: Num 1. Uses symbols (>, <, =) to compare numbers in the same and different forms such as 0.5 < 3/4.
Grade 5: Num 3. Compares and orders commonly used fractions, percents, and decimals to thousandths using concrete materials, number lines, drawings, and numerals.
Grade 6: Num 1. Compares and orders fractions and decimals using graphic models, number lines, and symbols.
Grade 6: Num 2. Compares and orders fractions, decimals, and common percents.
Grade 7: Num 1. Compares and orders integers, fractions, decimals, numbers with exponents, and numbers expressed as percents or in scientific notation, including ordering on a number line.
Grade 8: Num 1. Compares and orders fractions, decimals, integers, and radicals using graphic models, number lines, and symbols.
Grade 6: Num 3. Knows whether numbers expressed in different forms are equal.
Grade 7: Num 3. Knows whether numbers expressed in different forms are equal.
Grade 9: Num 4. understands that numbers can be represented in a variety of equivalent forms, including integers, fractions, decimals, percents, scientific notation, exponents, radicals, absolute value, and logarithms
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