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Basic Word Problems 2

This topic covers the skill of solving basic word problems using multiplication or division.

Sample Problems for Basic Word Problems 2Lesson for Basic Word Problems 2

This topic aligns to the following state standards

Grade 3: Num 2. Uses problem-solving strategies to determine the operation needed to solve one-step problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.
Grade 3: Num 1. Solves real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers using an appropriate method (for example, mental math, paper and pencil, concrete materials, calculator).
Grade 3: Num 4. Solves real-world division problems having divisors of one digit, dividends not exceeding two digits, with or without remainders.
Grade 4: Num 1. Uses problem-solving strategies to determine the operation(s) needed to solve one- and two- step problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and addition and subtraction of decimals and fractions.
Grade 4: Num 1. Solves real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and addition and subtraction of decimals and fractions using an appropriate method (for example, mental math, pencil and paper, calculator).
Grade 5: Num 1. Solves real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers using an appropriate method (for example, mental math, pencil and paper, calculator).
Grade 4: Alg 1. Solves problems involving equations or simple inequalities using manipulatives, diagrams, or models, symbolic expressions, or written phrases.
Grade 4: Alg 3. Translates problem-solving situations into expressions and equations using a variable for the unknown.
Grade 5: Alg 1. Solves problems involving simple equations or inequalities using diagrams or models, symbolic expressions, or written phrases.
Grade 6: Num 1. Solves one- or two-step real-world problems involving whole numbers and decimals using appropriate methods of computation (for example, mental computation, paper and pencil, and calculator).

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