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Fraction Pictures

Determine the fraction based on the picture.

Sample Problems for Fraction PicturesLesson for Fraction Pictures

This topic aligns to the following state standards

Grade 1: Num 2. Represents and explains fractions (one half, one fourth, three fourths) as part of a whole and part of a set using concrete materials and drawings.
Grade 1: Num 4. Knows that the total of equivalent fractional parts makes a whole (for example, two halves equal one whole).
Grade 2: Num 2. Represents, compares, and explains halves, thirds, quarters, and eighths as part of a whole and part of a set, using concrete materials and drawings.
Grade 2: Num 4. Knows that the total of equivalent fractional parts makes a whole (for example, eight eighths equal one whole).
Grade 3: Num 2. Reads, writes, and identifies proper fractions with denominators including 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 100.
Grade 4: Num 2. Reads, writes, and identifies fractions and mixed numbers with denominators including 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 25, 100, and 1000.
Grade 5: Num 1. Reads, writes, and identifies whole numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers.

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