Math Practice Topic: Polynomial Fraction Simplification

Description: Simplify fractions with binomials and trinomials

Adaptive Learning Progression: Moves from binomials to polynomials with increasing difficulty.

Sample Levels (out of 7)

Simplify. If the denominator is 1, write nothing (just write the numerator). If the answer is negative, put the (-) sign in the numerator.

-4x + 10
6x - 15

4x - 6

Simplify. If the denominator is 1, write nothing (just write the numerator). If the answer is negative, put the (-) sign in the numerator.

x 2 + 6x + 8
x 2 + 21x + 38

x 2 - 4
x 2 - 27x - 58

3x 2 + 25x + 28
x 2 + 4x - 21

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