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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Oklahoma Math Standards - 5th GradeMathScore aligns to the Oklahoma Math Standards for 5th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Algebraic ReasoningStandard 1 Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Relationships - The student will use algebraic methods to describe patterns and solve problems in a variety of contexts.1. Describe rules that produce patterns found in tables, graphs, and models, and use variables (e.g., boxes, letters, pawns, number cubes, or other symbols) to solve problems or to describe general rules in algebraic expression or equation form. (Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) 2. Use algebraic problem-solving techniques (e.g., use a balance to model an equation and show how subtracting a number from one side requires subtracting the same amount from the other side) to solve problems. (Single Variable Equations ) 3. Recognize and apply the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to solve problems (e.g., 3 x (2 + 4) = (3 x 2) + (3 x 4). (Associative Property 1 , Associative Property 2 , Commutative Property 1 , Commutative Property 2 , Distributive Property , Basic Distributive Property ) Number Sense and OperationsStandard 2 Number Sense and Operation - The student will use numbers and number relationships to acquire basic facts. The student will estimate and compute with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.1. Number Sense a. Apply the concept of place value of whole numbers through hundred millions (9 digits) and model, read, and write decimal numbers through the thousandths. (Decimal Place Value ) b. Represent with models the connection between fractions and decimals, compare and order fractions and decimals, and be able to convert from one representation to the other to solve problems. (e.g., use 10x10 grids, base 10 blocks). (Order Decimals , Compare Mixed Values , Positive Number Line , Fraction Comparison , Compare Decimals , Fractions to Decimals , Decimals To Fractions ) c. Identify and compare integers using real world situations. (e.g., owing money, temperature, or measuring elevations above and below sea level). (Compare Integers ) d. Identify and apply factors, multiples, prime, and composite numbers in a variety of problem-solving situations (e.g., build rectangular arrays for numbers 1-100 and classify as prime or composite, use common factors to add fractions). (Prime Numbers , Prime Factoring , Greatest Common Factor , Factoring , Least Common Multiple ) 2. Number Operations a. Estimate, add, or subtract decimal numbers with same and different place values to solve problems (e.g., 3.72 + 1.4, $4.56 - $2.12). (Making Change , Decimal Addition , Decimal Subtraction ) b. Estimate add, or subtract fractions (including mixed numbers) to solve problems using a variety of methods (e.g., use fraction strips, use area models, find a common denominator). (Basic Fraction Addition , Fraction Addition , Basic Fraction Subtraction , Fraction Subtraction , Fraction Word Problems ) c. Estimate and find the quotient (with and without remainders) with two-digit divisors and a two- or three-digit dividend to solve application problems. (Long Division , Long Division with Remainders , Small Decimal Division , Word Problems With Remainders ) GeometryStandard 3 Geometry - The student will apply geometric properties and relationships.1. Compare and contrast the basic characteristics of circle and polygons (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons). (Polygon Names ) 2. Classify angles (e.g., acute, right, obtuse, straight). MeasurementStandard 4 Measurement - The student use appropriate units of measure to solve problems in a variety of contexts.1. Measurement a. Compare, estimate, and determine the measurement of angles. b. Develop and use the formula for perimeter and area of a square and rectangle to solve application problems. (Compare Rectangle Area and Perimeter , Perimeter and Area Word Problems ) c. Convert basic measurements of volume, mass and distance within the same system for metric and customary units (e.g., inches to feet, hours to minutes, centimeters to meters). (Distance Conversion , Time Conversion , Volume Conversion , Weight Conversion ) 2. Money: Solve a variety of problems involving money. (Money Addition , Money Subtraction , Making Change , Making Change 2 , Money Multiplication , Money Division , Counting Money , Unit Cost ) Data AnalysisStandard 5 Data Analysis - The student will use data analysis, statistics and probability to interpret data in a variety of contexts.1. Data Analysis a. Compare and translate displays of data and justify the selection of the type of table of graph (e.g., charts, tables, bar graphs, pictographs, line graphs, circle graphs, Venn diagrams). b. Formulate questions, design investigations, consider samples, and collect, organize, and analyze data using observation, measurement, surveys, or experiments (e.g., how far can 5th graders throw a softball based on where it first hits the ground?). (Tally and Pictographs , Bar Graphs , Line Graphs ) 2. Probability a. Determine the probability of events occurring in familiar contexts or experiments and express probabilities as fractions from zero to one (e.g., find the fractional probability of an event given a biased spinner). (Probability ) b. Use the fundamental counting principle on sets with up to four items to determine the number of possible combinations (e.g. create a tree diagrams to see possible combinations). 3. Central Tendency: Determine the range (spread), mode (most often), and median (middle) of a set of data. Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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