Math Practice Online > free > lessons > Texas > 7th grade > Percentages
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Here are some tips for Percentages, which aligns with Texas state standards:
The meaning of a percentage is best explained by the Percentage Pictures
topic. Click here for the lesson.
This lesson pertains to the conversion between fractions, decimals, and
percentages. Conceptually, this topic demonstrates that fractions,
decimals, and percentages are all interchangeable.
Converting from a decimal to a percentage
Example: Convert 0.56 to a percentage.
Multiply the decimal by 100 to get a percentage. 0.56 × 100 = 56%
Example: Convert 1.205 to a percentage.
Multiply the decimal by 100 to get a percentage. 1.205 × 100 = 120.5%
Converting from a fraction to a percentage
These are the steps for these problems:
1. Convert the fraction to a decimal
2. Multiply by 100 to get a percentage
3. If desired, round to the nearest percentage
Example: Convert the fraction to a percentage:
Convert 6/8 to a decimal
6/8 = 0.75
Multiply the decimal by 100 to get a percentage.
0.75 × 100 = 75%
Example: Convert the fraction to a percentage and round to the nearest percentage:
Convert 13/7 to a decimal
13/7 = 1.42857...
Multiply the decimal by 100 to get a percentage.
1.42857... × 100 = 142.857...%
Round 142.857... to 143%
FAQ: How does 13/7 become 1.42857...?
Answer: 3 divided by 7 = .42857... (verify with a calculator or refer to the Small Decimal Division topic), so
13/7 is 1.42857...
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