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Here are some tips for Arithmetic Word Problems, which aligns with Ohio state standards:
Arithmetic Word Problems
Some definitions that will be useful:
double means increase by 2 times or × 2
triple means increase by 3 times or × 3
quadruple means increase by 4 times or × 4
Example 1: Addition and Subtraction
Answer these word problems
Suppose you start out with 24 stamps. Michelle ends up giving you another 6 stamps. Then, because you're nice, you give George 8 stamps. How many stamps do you now have?Translate the word problem into an equation and solve.
You end up with 24 + 6 - 8 = 22 stamps.
1. You start out with 24 stamps 24 2. Michelle gives you 6 stamps 24 + 6 3. You give George 8 stamps 24 + 6 - 8
How many stamps do you now have?
Example 2: Multiplication and Division
Answer these word problems
Suppose you start out with 10 marbles. Isabel then takes half of your marbles. At your request, Mary then decides to quadruple your quantity of marbles. Patricia then takes half of your marbles. How many marbles do you now have?Translate the word problem into an equation and solve.
You end up with 10 ÷ 2 × 4 ÷ 2 = 10 marbles.
1. You start out with 10 marbles 10 2. Isabel takes half of your marbles 10 ÷ 2 3. Mary quadruples your marbles 10 ÷ 2 × 4 4. Patricia takes half of your marbles 10 ÷ 2 × 4 ÷ 2
How many marbles do you now have?
Example 3: Addition, Multiplication, and Division
Answer these word problems
Suppose you start out with 16 coins. At your request, Sam then decides to triple your quantity of coins. Lisa ends up giving you another 2 coins. Bob then takes half of your coins. How many coins do you now have?Translate the word problem into an equation and solve.
You end up with 25 coins.
1. You start out with 16 coins 16 2. Sam triples your coins 16 × 3 3. Lisa gives you 2 coins 16 × 3 + 2 4. Bob takes half of your coins (16 × 3 + 2) ÷ 2 Remember when solving arithmetic equations, solve what's in the parantheses ( ) first. (16 × 3 + 2) ÷ 2 = (48 + 2) ÷ 2 = 50 ÷ 2 = 25
How many coins do you now have?
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