Number Comparison
In number comparison, we use these symbols to show us how two numbers compare.
An easy way to remember if you should use < or >, think of an alligator. The alligator is greedy and always wants to eat the larger number.
When comparing numbers, you always compare from left to right.
So for 264 ? 266, first compare the hundreds: 264 ? 266 Since they are the same, compare the tens: 264 ? 266 Since they are the same, compare the ones: 264 ? 266 4 is less than 6, so 264 is less than 266. 264 < 266
4 is less than 6, so 264 is less than 266. 264 < 266
Example 1:
Use >, <, or = to relate the two numbers. 2929 2832 We always compare numbers from left to right. First compare the thousands: 2929 ? 2832 Since they are the same, compare the hundreds: 2929 ? 2832 9 is greater than 8, so 2929 is greater than 2832. 2929 2832
We always compare numbers from left to right. First compare the thousands: 2929 ? 2832 Since they are the same, compare the hundreds: 2929 ? 2832
9 is greater than 8, so 2929 is greater than 2832.
2929 2832
Example 2:
Determine if the first number is greater than, less than, or equal to the second number. 9951 9957 We always compare numbers from left to right. First compare the thousands: 9951 ? 9957 Since they are the same, compare the hundreds: 9951 ? 9957 Since they are the same, compare the tens: 9951 ? 9957 Since they are the same, compare the ones: 9951 ? 9957 1 is less than 7, so 9951 is less than 9957. 9951 9957
We always compare numbers from left to right. First compare the thousands: 9951 ? 9957 Since they are the same, compare the hundreds: 9951 ? 9957 Since they are the same, compare the tens: 9951 ? 9957 Since they are the same, compare the ones: 9951 ? 9957
1 is less than 7, so 9951 is less than 9957.
9951 9957
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